At our web site you may find some info, but it is much faster to contact us: you will discover in few minutes that we can be the right law firm for your needs.

Graziotto RE :: Advocate-Lawyer Fulvio Graziotto :: International Law Firm in Italy - Sanremo (Imperia) - Genova - Milano

Our main offices are in Sanremo (IM, Italy), but we cover the whole Italy, in particular in the following towns and areas:

  • Sanremo, Imperia, Savona, Genova, Cuneo, Alessandria, Torino, Milano

  • Liguria, Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto

Graziotto RE :: Advocate-Lawyer Fulvio Graziotto :: International Law Firm in Italy - Sanremo (Imperia) - Genova - Milano

Our main offices are in Sanremo (IM, Italy), but we also operate in the following towns and areas:

  • Sanremo, Imperia, Savona, Genova, Alessandria, Torino, Milano

  • Liguria, Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto

Legal Assistance :: Legal Advice :: Disputes and Litigation in the following domains:

  • Civil Law

  • Commercial Law

  • Contractual Law

  • Company Law

  • International Law

  • Tax Law

  • M&A (mergers and acquisitions) and cross-border transactions

We provide adequate assistance and advice also in:

    Environmental Law

    Administrative Law

    Provisioning Law

    Insurance Law

    Bank Law

    Competition Law

    Condominium Law

    Energy Law

    Bankruptcy Law

    Franchising Law

    Real Estate Law

    Labor Law/Employment Law

    Renting Law

    Maritime Law

    Criminal Law

    Transport Law

List of Lawyers - Attorneys - law Firms in Italy

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Sanremo (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Imperia (Italy)

List of Lawyers - Attorneys - law Firms in Italy

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Alessandria (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Cuneo (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Genova (Genoa, Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Milano (Milan, Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Savona (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Torino (Turin, Italy)

International Lawyer :: International Law Firm :: International Legal Assistance :: International Legal Advice :: International Disputes and Litigation

Thanks to our foreign correspondents, we are in position to provide global assistance in over 150 jurisdictions.

Here are some Countries in which we can assist Italian and foreign businesses:

  • Albania

  • Angola

  • Argentina

  • Armenia

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Bangladesh

  • Belgium

  • Bhutan

  • Bolivia

  • Brazil

  • Bulgaria

  • Cambodia

  • Cameroun

  • Canada

  • China

  • Costa Rica

  • Croatia

  • Cyprus

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • Egypt

  • El Salvador

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Georgia

  • Greece

  • Guatemala

  • Holland

  • Honduras

  • Hong Kong

  • Hungary

  • India

  • Indonesia

  • Ireland

  • Israel

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Jordan

  • Kazakhstan

  • Kenya

  • Libya

  • Luxembourg

  • Macedonia

  • Malta

  • Mauritius

  • Mexico

  • Netherlands

  • Nicaragua

  • Nigeria

  • Pakistan

  • Panama

  • Paraguay

  • Peru

  • Philippines

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Qatar

  • Romania

  • Russia

  • Senegal

  • Serbia

  • Slovak Republic

  • Slovenia

  • South Africa

  • Spain

  • Sri Lanka

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • Syria

  • Taiwan

  • Thailand

  • Turkey

  • U.A.E.

  • Ukraine

  • U.S.A.

  • Venezuela

  • Vietnam

OBOR - New Silk Road

OBOR - Silk Road Economic Belt

L'iniziativa strategica della Cina è conosciuta anche come:

OBOR - One Belt One Road Initiative

OBOR - New Silk Road Plan

21st-century Maritime Silk Road

One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR)

Belt and Road (B&R)

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (OBOR)

With our foreign partners and correspondents we have developed a specific program to assist Italian and foreign companies to grag the opportunities of the OBOR initiative.

In particular, we focus on the following Countries, for which specific desks have been activated:


  • Italy Desk

  • Italian Desk


  • Italy-China

  • China-Italy

  • China Desk

  • Chinese Desk

Hong Kong

  • Italy-Hong Kong

  • Hong Kong Desk


  • Italy-Taiwan

  • Taiwan-Italy

  • Taiwan Desk

  • Taiwanese Desk


  • Italy-France

  • France-Italy

  • France Desk

  • French Desk


  • Italy-Germany

  • Germany-Italy

  • Germany Desk

  • German Desk


  • Italy-Spain

  • Spain-Italy

  • Spain Desk

  • Spanish Desk

Get dedicated care from an independent Law Firm in Italy specialized in M&A and Corporate Finance. Enjoy our expert advice and legal assistance in Italy for M&A - Corporate Finance and Extraordinary Deals.
Enjoy Graziotto RE.
Advice and legal assistance on M&A - Corporate Finance in Italy.
Clear. Accurate. Always.

Choose your lawyer in Italy by skills, not by the city or any other criteria.

Legal Assistance for M&A - Corporate Finance in Italy.

Rely on our Law Firm to close deals in Italy.

If you have to implement a business acquisition, or any extraordinary deal with Italy, our Law Firm can assist.

We are a leading, independent, enterprise law firm in Northern Italy.

Our law firm has its main offices in Sanremo (Imperia, North Italy - close to Montecarlo).

We can help to propose and develop any legal agreement with an Italian counterpart, perform a legal due diligence, draft a good corporate finance agreement as well as delivery qualified assistance for difficult and very complex initiatives.

Expert approach in the field of international M&A deals.

Our expert approach to international M&A deals and transactions grants effective management of any legal steps.

Our law firm helps foreign clients to scout for possible target companies and real estate assets and projects, to perform a proper Legal Due Diligence on the target, and to carry on any other activity as far as legal assistance is concerned.

We are particularly adapt for extremely complex and difficult international M&A deals, and assist clients from the initial contacts til the post-transaction issues, including:

  • LOI (letter of Intent)
  • LDD (Legal Due Diligence)
  • NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
  • MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
  • Preliminary agreements
  • SPA (Share Purchase Agreement)
  • Breach of contract
  • any other post-deal legal assistance
Scopri come Affrontare meglio le questioni legali con noi
Affronta i problemi legali tempestivamente e in modo affidabile

Affrontare bene un problema legale implica anche inquadrare correttamente la questione sotto il profilo giuridico, verificando quali rimedi e tutele sono concretamente esperibili nel caso specifico.

Fare qualche ricerca su Internet può essere utile, ma un buon professionista è in grado di cogliere gli aspetti legati agli istituti di diritto sostanziale, alle implicazioni processuali, alla natura dei fatti, agli elementi probatori, agli orientamenti giurisprudenziali, e a numerosi altri fattori non meno importanti.

Chiedere subito assistenza senza remore, è fondamentale.

Scopri la nostra Consulenza e assistenza legale
Se devi risolvere un problema legale, probabilmente abbiamo la soluzione

Il ruolo del nostro Studio Legale è metterti in grado di prendere decisioni informate.

To contact us, just please fill-in this form
Please fill-in the following fields:
Name (*):
Email (*):
Please describe your request (*):
Security code: (*)

You may fill-in also the following optional fields:
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The most important point to fix a legal problem is to rely on proper professionals.
Discover the practices in which our Law Firm is focused

Civil Law

We cover the whole civil law spectrum, in more detail the part relating to obligations and contracts, property, company and companies.

We provide specific advice on the rights of organizations, initiatives pertaining guarantees and asset protection actions, on issues related to property ownership, and in general on all matters relating to obligations and contracts.

Condominium Law

We address every aspect of condominium issues on behalf of condominium administrators, court litigation, liability actions, and protection against contractors. We cover all aspects of common goods and services, distances and entries, etc.

Real Estate Law

Our assistance in real estate matters covers several aspects: drafting contractual and legal texts, actions for the protection of property, disputes and litigation, support for real estate development, building and urban planning issues, including administrative litigation, condominium issues.

Rental Law

We are organized to provide full legal assistance in rental (real estate, especially non-residential use) and leasing in general (financial and operational).

we ensure adequate defense and protection, both in court and out-of-court.


Rely on our Law Firm and pass your issues onto us.
Contact our Law Firm and Ask for Advice
Ask for a quote - or for advice - right now

If you have already clear what you need, you can ask for an estimate.

Otherwise an expert advice (charged for a fee) can give you huge benefits. The fees charged for consultation are those stated in the document Summary Information.

If the matter that is subject of advice from us is treated later in court, the fees of the consultation related to that activity - for the part already done - will be deducted from those applicable to the stage of consideration of the case.

No amount is due before you have received and expressly accepted the orientative estimation for the information you are requesting.

Ask a free-of-charge Estimation for a specific activity

Ask for advice or a personalized opinion

Download our hourly rates for non-judicial assistance

Download Decree Ministery of Justice No. 55 2014 - New Forensic Parameters

Contact us to set an appointment or to inquiry

For specific and useful information to properly address a specific issue, please contact us and verify in person the value of our assistance available across Italy and in several countries.

To get in touch with our law firm right now:

Write us: fill-in the form, or send an email or a fax

Talk with us: call or leave a recorder message

Make an appointment with one of our professionals: by phone, by videoconference or in person at our offices

Here is how you can get in touch with our law firm:

Scroll this page and fill-in the form

Write an email message to info (at)

Please call us at no. (+39) 0184 509631 or 1894317 during office hours

Call no. (+39) 0184 1894317 beyond office hours and leave a recorded message

Send a fax at (+39) 0184 509510

Call (+39) 348 0017380 (only for very urgent issues)


Face the situation right now:
Collect adequate information to get your decision: get in touch with us

The choice of the professionals to trust in protecting your interests is just as crucial: it is important to have a precise idea of their expertise, the way they operate, the time and the rates needed to provide you with adequate support.

We know how important these aspects are, and we do everything we can to ensure that those in need of court assistance have a clear and complete picture to decide.

Save time and energy: contact us now and get a better idea

To check if and how we can be useful in your specific case, there's no better way to act right now: a first phone contact with a professional of ours can be decisive.

Not only you will save time and energy, but you will immediately get a clear idea of our expertise and the value of our assistance: then it will be up to you to decide whether to request a quote for an assignment .

We do not deal with every legal aspects: if the issue is not within our competence, we say it clearly, and if we know other appropriate professionals for your needs, we can address you to them.

Contact us and set up a first appointment at our offices, or remotely by phone or Skype .

Urgencies (for a charge)
We have activated the following number of availability for urgent cases: (+39) 348 0017380
The call and the required tasks are subject to our rates based on time, which can be viewed at the following link:
 Summary information and rates
At the beginning of the call you will be asked for your billing data and, depending on the activity required, you may be requested to execute a pre-payment.
Discover our contact data, the address of our main offices and the map to reach us


Logo Graziotto RE
Graziotto RE

Main Office:
Via G. Matteotti, 194
18038 Sanremo IM
IT Italy
We receive only by appointment
(correspondents in various cities)

Meetings: In videoconference (Skype®, ecc.)
" at the office in Sanremo (IM) - Italy
" By phone
" By the Client
Consultations: Apply for a Consultation
Estimations: Ask a free-of-charge Estimation
Contact us: Fill-in the form

Contact Reference:
Tel: (+39) 0184 189 4317 - +39 0184 509631
Fax: (+39) 0184 509 510
SMS: (+39) 348 001 7380

First Information and Rates:
Info and Rates: Summary Information and rates
Judicial assistance: Decree Ministery of Justice No. 55 2014 - New Forensic Parameters

Profile of the Principal:
Summary Card: Professional Profile (summary)


QR Code with contact data

By reading the QR Code with your mobile device, you can save our contact data in your phonebook:

Insurance coverage

Insurance policy #IFL0006526.026917 in compliance with Ministerial Decree 22-9-2016 signed with AIG Europe Limited for the following insurance coverage limits (Canada and USA excluded):

  • professional liability: ceiling of € 3 million per claim and per insurance period